Install LaTeX distribution (for Mac OS X: MacTeX, for Windows: MiKTeX or TeXlive).Moreover, Skim can be integrated with SublimeText in such a way that it checks for updates every time, you perform build in SublimeText. tex document with CMD+B (Mac) or CTRL+B (Windows/Linux). I have also found LaTeXTools plugin for SublimeText. Today, one friend of mine showed me application, which detects. My Master Thesis consists multiple files and I end up editing files in SublimeText and building pdf with TeXworks. However, it’s hard to manage documents with more than one.
Every time I rebuild the document it refresh generated pdf. Nice thing about it is the built-in PDF viewer. First I was using TeXworks, but it is not very decent environment. Once I had this installed I needed editor. The most popular LaTeX distribution for Mac is MacTeX (for Windows: MiKTeX or TeXlive). Recently I started writing my Master Thesis.